Katelynn's Photography
Photographer for those who don't feel like models

“This is crazy!” I think I’ve said this a million times the past few days. I’ve felt like we are all living in a movie. This whole situation with COVID-19 is inconvenient and stressful. But I am so thankful to be living through this along side my roommates! Yesterday, we embarked on a journey for the next few weeks inside our home. Rather than wanting to spend the next few weeks/months isolated even more within our home, we’ve decided to make the most of our time together. Instead of treating our time like imprisonment, we created a schedule and filled it with in-home adventures. Follow our story here! Or just stay tuned for ideas on how to spend your copious amount of free time in your home! Let the games begin! 🥳

Later in the evening, you could’ve caught us busting many moves with Just Dance 2. Many of these games bring back memories to when it was cool to have a Wii.
Quote of the day: “I never understood why guys liked video games so much, but I get it now!” - Sarah

Quote of the day: “What day is it?” Two days in and we are already losing our marbles.

One nice thing about having so much time is being able to do hobbies you wouldn’t normally have time for. Val has taken up coloring and cross-stitching. A few of us have taken up puzzling. And of course, we’ve all been training in Super Smash Bro’s. 💪🏼
Quote of the day: “oh no, I killed myself again” - every roommate while playing Smash. We are still getting the hang of it. And this is why we are training.

What do you do when it’s raining and you really wants some marshmallows? Use the mini marshmallows in your cabinet, some toothpicks and a wood burning candle. It’s a great time!
Well, what do you do when you haven’t seen your friends in 6 days? Google hangout with them and play some JackBox games!
Quote of the day: “Another day, another day” - Ariel

Breaking News: none of us played smash yesterday.
We did play Psych! with our good friend Sami FaceTimed in. We also soaked up the warm weather as much as we could sitting on the porch. I’m sad the warmth didn’t last.
We are all starting to loose our minds a little. My key board has a setting where you can have recorded piano songs play. We all busted out our song writing skills and made a series of songs all about, you guessed it, CoronaVirus. Get ready for a new album “We All Got Coronavirus” dropping in a store near you (or online cause you know social distancing). Quote of the day: I couldn’t decide on just one. So here are a few:
“Our house is starting to smell like cheese...”
“Another day, another Clorox wipe”
“We do danger in style”

Behind the scenes: the diamonds are from my Grandmother’s ring. Which already has so much sentimental value! But it also was made at Wellings, a jewelry store my family has a tradition for getting special rings at. How neat!! Jackson proposed at High Banks Metro Park. I can’t even express how awesome everything turned out!!! We are sad we can’t celebrate in person with people, but are thankful for the few who did come out to set up and hide during the proposal (don’t worry, it was still no more than 10, Mike). More to come with the story! Thank you everyone who worked so hard to pull this off!! Thank you for the support too! We love all of you!
After I got home last night, a few of my roommates bought me happy engagement treats with all of my favorite things!! What an eventful day!!!
Quote of the day: “Will you marry me?”
“That turn is a little too decisive.”

Later, we went on a long drive to get out of the house and listened to the Lumineers. I’ve decided they are the best to listen to when doing the 270 loop. Mid loop, Sarah’s low pressure light came on. It was an adventure being frightened the whole time her tire would pop!
Quote of the day: “I can’t write that in my Corona diary, this could be in future text books!” - Sarah

I finally got to see my parents today in person (but outside and 6ft apart...you really don’t have to worry about me, Mike)! Yesterday, was my last day out in the real world. I’m going to miss it.
Ariel also finally got a tattoo! (With markers of course)
One positive about quarantining: I have really enjoyed the challenge of finding something to take photos of everyday! I’m so glad I can continue to stretch my photography skills during the midst of all of this!
Quote of the day: “Saturday, I just casually altered our destinies.” - Jackson

Quote of the day: “Today is Sunday, right?” “No, Val, it’s Tuesday!”

Also, you may have noticed I went back through my posts and corrected my counting errors. I realized today there was no way today was day 12, when in fact, it is only day 10. Haha
Quote of the day: “Ope, sorry! I forgot. Social distancing...” - me as people walk away from me as I walk towards them

Ariel, Lizzie and I spent much time chilling on the porch. We had a wonderful walk delivering a package that was given to us (wrong house number and street, FedEx). There is something about our house attracting random people’s mail and packages.
Quote of the day: “My phones been on 1% since 3” - Natalie all the time
“My clothes are FRESH” - Sarah

Ariel and I sat and listened to the rain on the porch. It was so peaceful!
Some of my roommates and I are on a mission to convince the other roommates to foster a dog during this time. So far, no luck. But we will prevail!
Quote of the day: “When I close my eyes, I see puzzle pieces.”
“Let’s get a ChiWAWa (chihuahua).” - Lizzie
“Hand me a peper tOWel (paper towel).” - Natalie
(We are starting to pronounce our words wrong here...send help)

Quote of the day: “Want to go on another walk?” - everyone because that is the only thing we can do right now

Today, Val and I experimented with making homemade mozzarella nuggets. After the first few, we got the hang of it and made some tasty nugs. Later, Val made us some cinnamon rolls. Mmh mmh tassttty!
Quote of the day: “Carole totally killed Don!!!” - us yelling at the screen while watching Tiger King

To top the night off, we continued the binge watching of Tiger King. What a show.
Quote of the day: “Do you clench you’re butt cheeks when you give birth?” - Natalie
(we are really starting to ask the real questions in life)

We finished Tiger King today! What a roller coaster of a show. We are on the hunt to watch a new tv show together. Anyone have any suggestions?
Sarah and I also went through all the stages of grief today. Why, you ask? We tried logging into our Webkinz accounts. After a while of trying different usernames and passwords, we had to face the facts that they are probably dead.
Quote of the day: “DREAM, you want to hear about my Sarah??!” - Me half awake trying to ask Sarah if she wanted to hear about my dream.
“I don’t like Leedle Ceeezars (Little Caesars)” - Ariel (we are still struggling to pronounce words)

If someone were to enter our house, they would hear a chorus of songs terribly sung. These songs would range from an opera style of the National anthem (and some humming in there because apparently none of us know the whole song) to repeated 6 sec Tik Tok jams.
Quote of the day: “Straightening up a day keeps the clutter away” - Lizzie as she cleaned our living room

Apparently, staying at home decreases your verbal communication skills more and more. At least this is true in my house. We are STRUGGLING with speech over here. Communicating is a jumbled mess of slurred, mispronounced, and mixed up words.
Today was so nice out! I got to sit and paint on the porch, something I wouldn’t normally have time for. I’m hoping more warm weather is soon to follow.
Quote of the day: “After Mike with DeWine, want to go on a walk?” - Sarah
“I have something in my eye, I think it’s your burp” - Nat

Today, we listened to a “TED Talk” from the lovely Jaylynn on Wendy’s. All I have to say is it was very enlightening and I am disgusted. Not even the salads are safe there. We also got a “TED Talk” from Sarah on Sea Turtles, Fish and Swimming. I now know the chicken/rock stroke.
I’ve been crocheting so much I think I sprained my pinky. Is that even possible?
We watched Disney’s new movie, Onward! It was so cute!! If you’re looking for a good cry, I definitely recommend this movie.
Quote of the day: “if I could have one super power, it be to reach through this screen and give you a hug.” - Fred, Big Hero 6 - feeling pretty relatable right now

Jackson and I returned to High Banks today (where he proposed). It was wonderful to walk around and enjoy the spot where he proposed, now that it is not 30 degrees outside or neither of us are stuck in shock.
Quote of the day: “Month.” - Jackson
For some reason the way he says month makes me laugh every time

On how we keep loosing our minds in quarantine, I did a fashion show of things Val was getting rid of. Yes, I do have something on my head. No, it is not a hat. Yes, it is a bag. Let me tell ya, things are starting to get weird in quarantine.
Later, some of us went on an adventure and found some beautiful gems people were getting rid of. It’s crazy the things people just throw out and don’t want.
Quote of the day: “Don’t worry, she’s a roommate” - Val
“I’m experiencing some trauma” - Val while cleaning the basement
“Don’t ever touch your hair when you’re bored. (5 mins. later...) Guys, let’s all dye a strand of hair, like blue or red!” - Sarah

I also got surprise flowers from my future husband! :) Val’s project for today was cleaning the study and making it homey. She also planted some spinach in the backyard! Our home looks so cute and beautiful now!! Thanks, Val!
Quote of the day: “Oh, a chickenless hair!” - Ariel, again we are mixing up our words...

Today was filled with wedding planning, braving the grocery store while wearing a homemade mask (made with love by my mom), and backyard hanging (6ft apart) with the Walker clan. It felt very strange at first to wear a mask, but in the end, it was worth it!
We started a brag board the other day. Roommates will put things they’ve seen someone else do and brag about them on the board! It’s so cute and has been so encouraging.
Also, leaving people will never be more awkward. You can’t hug people goodbye, so you just have to walk away slowly.
Quote of the day: “I had a lot more frozen chicken selections this week!” - Sarah on the subject of Kroger’s frozen chicken selection during the pandemic

Sadly, like Ohio is so known for, the weather is changing yet again. I’m disappointed it will be getting a little chilly again. Bring on the heat!
Quote of the day: “If this is still going on next year, I’m eloping.” “I’ll elope with you!” - Nat & Val